Monday, March 1, 2010

review of 'Submarine Outlaw' and 'Night Runner'

What are those other books like?
When I can get a hold of them, which isn't as easy as it sounds, I am going to try to read all the Red Maple nominated books. The first I started was Night Runner by Max Turner. I like how he does dialogue and he writes some really funny lines. It is about vampires. He includes a motorcycle early on and that always makes me happy. I haven't finished it yet, but I will soon and post a comment.

The second one I read is Submarine Outlaw. Hey, I really like this book. The main character, Alfred, befriends Ziegfried who has a junk yard. Alfred, being raised by grandparents (of the Charlie & the Chocolate Factory variety) and wants to be an explorer rather than a fisherman and Ziegfried is about the only person who seems to understands this. The plot moves along as they build the submarine and he sets off on an adventure. Alfred makes a number of rescues, but I won't spoil it for you. It is a fun read. What I especially like is that Philip Roy, the author, writes realistically about ships, engines and submarines, but he doesn't go into so much detail that he bores the reader.

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